How To Get Started When Playing At An Online Casino


Getting Started with Online Gaming

Follow the easy steps below to know exactly how to get started with gambling online.

Step One: Download

Find a Casino you wish to play at Online. On their Site they should have a button saying "Download Casino" Press on that button to begin Downloading the software of the chosen casino.

"Download will start shortly" box will pop up. The progress will be shown in some form of how long the software is taking to download.

Step Two: Install

Install the software once step one has completed. Stay Connected to the internet during this time.

"Initializing Wise Installation Wizard" appears.

Once "Install Wizard" appears you need to follow some steps to complete installing the casino software.

Press "Next" four times and then the "Finish" button.

The process of installation will be shown, and once it is finished installing you need to press "OK".

The next step is to register your account.

Step Three: Open Account

When the software is opening you will see "Online Registration Wizard" pop up.

Choose between opening a Real or Guest account where you play for free to gain experience without losing all your money in the process.

Complete the Online form once you have come to a decision. When you have successfully completed this a "Registration Complete" box comes up. Your password and account number will be given to you which you need to keep safe or remember it.

Step Four: Make Purchase

Now lets say you chose to open a REAL account, your next step is to make a purchase before continuing.

"You currently have no credits to play with" will pop up on screen.

Click Yes for the next question to continue making your purchase.

In the "Banking Menu" select "Add credit card/ firepay / Neteller etc"

Complete the "Personal Billing Details" Form. "Your card has been successfully registered at the Casino" will then come up once you have completed the form.

The cards limit will be displayed. To choose an amount simply click the arrow next to your card number then click yes to confirm amount.

"Please wait…purchase pending" pops up.

"Online Banking Box" and "Your purchase has been approved " will show on your screen.

Begin playing by returning to the casino.

Step Five: Log On

Once you have done all the above you will be able to see the casino icon somewhere on your desktop. Double click the icon to begin gaming.

"Loading software…Please be patient" will appear to start loading the casino software.

Get your password and account number ready and fill it out in the section provided after clicking "Connect"

Step Six: Begin Play

Pick a game you wish to play at and press it to begin your gaming fun.

"Starting Module" appears and the progress of downloading will begin.

"Click to Download" will appear if it is your first time playing on the casino.

You can download various games at a time while playing another.

Step Seven: Cash-In

Select the "Banking Menu" option and then the "Cash-in" option.

Press the No or Yes button once you have decided on an amount to cash in.

A notification will be seen to let you know that the cash in was successful.


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Last Updated 5 September 2013

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